No more just random posting hoping it catches on; it's time to get strategic.
By utilizing local community groups, we communicate your message in a strategic way to create brand awareness, establish yourself as a dominant figure in your community, and most importantly, generate leads for your business. Our unique process does take some time to get the ball rolling, but once it does, it is a fire that can't be put out.
Similar to how SEO is cracking the code for Google search, we are cracking the code for social media organic networking. By commenting, posting, and messaging in these high-volume local groups we are able to generate up to 5,000 - 10,000 views a week and, even more importantly, 15-20 leads; and over time these numbers continue to increase.

Date and Time
Wednesday Apr 12, 2023
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM EDT
SMARTstart Grove Entrepreneur Center
6013 Wesley Grove Boulevard, Suite 202 Wesley Chapel FL 33544
Contact Information
Melanie McCann
Send Email