Greater Pasco Chamber of Commerce - Professional Women in Business
"It's STILL All About YOU"
Holiday Season, 2023 Networking BLITZ!
We want to hear what's going on in our community before it begins, from Halloween to New Year's Eve. Who's doing what, when and where? AND how can we support YOU?
Join us Wednesday, October 18th!
🌟Giveaways Galore
🌟PWIB 2024 "Vision Board" revealed
🌟Every Chamber member attendee given equal time to share & bare it ALL!
🌟Wear a little something, anything, to show your individual holiday vibe & in return, receive a little token as a gesture of appreciation for simply being YOU!
🌸Reminder: Wear your pink ribbon (from our September meeting) for the entire month of October for Breast Cancer Awareness.
No RIBBON? No problem!
Stop by the Chamber office, say "hi" & grab one, courtesy of your Professional Women in Business group.
As always, our wonderful chair, Lisa Parisi will raffle off door prizes courtesy of Express Employment Professionals. Have something you would like to gift? Just bring it to the meeting and let Lisa or Billie know!
Connect with other Pasco Professional Women on the 3rd Wednesday of every month as we network among our peers and create long lasting professional and personal connections for life!
Registration for this event is required • Event subject to being sold out.
Trouble Registering? Call (727)842-7651 or (813)909-2722.

Date and Time
Wednesday Oct 18, 2023
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM EDT
We meet every 3rd Wednesday of the month.