#1 RE/MAX Premier Group

#1 RE/MAX Premier Group



About Us

Real Estate - My goal is to treat each and every person I come in contract with, honestly, respectfully and courteously. I feel honored to share part of people's moving into the next season of homeownership. Whether it be someone purhasing their first home, a growing family needing to sell their home and find a larger home or someone who is ready for more free time and travel and therefore needs to sell their current home and move to a home with less upkeep. These are special times in everyone's life and I love knowing that I played a part in it.

Loving Life!


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Rep/Contact Info

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Terri Dusek

Printed courtesy of greaterpasco.com/ – Contact the Greater Pasco Chamber of Commerce for more information.
16703 Early Riser Ave, Land O' Lakes, FL 34638 – (727) 842-7651 – office@GreaterPasco.com